Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

Nanda Putri Amalia
Pendidikan Matematika Internasional 2011


Perangkat Lunak adalah sebuah program komputer yang memberitahu bagaimana perangkat keras bekerja.
Sebelum kita mengenal lebih jauh tentang perangkat lunak, kita harus terlebih dulu mengetahui sistem operasi, program aplikasi, dan mengapa versi baru perangkat lunak diterbitkan dari tahun ke tahun.
Operasi sistem adalah program yang mengatur semuanya dalam komputer. Ada beberapa sistem operasi seperti MS-DOS dan Microsoft Windows XP.
Tugas-tugas yang dilakukan sistem operasi:
1.       Mengatur perangkat keras komputer. Windows mengkontrol alat-alat pada sistem komputer, seperti mencetak keratas dengan print, manampilkan grafik atau data pada layar monitor, dan menerjemahkan perintah klik dari mouse.
2.       Menjalankan program komputer. Sistem operasi bertugas menjalankan semua program, seperti Web Browser (internet), permainan, dll.
3.       Menata data. Sistem operasi menyimpan suatu data dan berkas pada komputer.
Ada beberapa macam sistem operasi, seperti yang bisa digunakan adalah Posix, Unix, Ms Dos, Ms WINDOWS, Linux, Apple dll.
Kemudian program aplikasi adalah program yang akan membantu komputer menyelesaikan tugas tertentu, seperti menulis surat, mencari data di internet atau bermain game. Contohnya termasuk program pengolah kata. Tugas-tugas yang dapat dilakukan program pengolah kata adalah :
1.       Membuat surat dan dokumen.
2.       Mengedit format teks.
3.       Membuat tabel.
4.       Menambah gambar.
5.       Menampilkan Mail Merges
Kemudian contoh lainnya adalah spreadsheet. Program spreadsheet adalah program yang dapat menghitung seperti kalkulator. Tugas-tugas yang dilakukannya adalah:
1.       Menampilkan perhitungan.
2.       Menata dan mengorganisir informasi.
3.       Memformat dan menampilkan informasi.
4.       Membuat grafik.
Adapun program aplikasi berikutnya adaalah database.
Berikut adalah contoh database sederhana. Database adalah sekumpulan informasi yang diorganisir menjadi suatu list sehingga membuat kita manjadi mudah dalam mencari data pada suatu waktu. Tugas-tugas yang dapat dilakukan database adalah :
1.       Menyimpan informasi.
2.       Menemukan informasi.
3.       Menganalisis dan mencetak informasi.
4.       Menata informasi.
5.       Membagi informasi.
Objek-objek yang dapat digunakan untuk database adalah tabel, pertanyaan-pertanyaan, formulir, laporan dan kode-kode.
Program aplikasi lainnya adalah program presentasi. Program presentasi membuat ide-ide kita menjadi profesional dengan adanya tampilan-tampilan yang menarik yang ditampilkan. Ketika kita telah membuat suatu slide presentasi, dengan komputer apa pun dan di manapun, kita dapat menampilkannya dengan mudah. Tugas-tugas yang dapat dilakukan program presentasi :
1.       Membuat presentasi yang profesional.
2.       Menambah gambar, grafik, dan ilustrasi.
3.       Membantu memberikan point-point penting sesuatu yang akan kita sampaikan.
Program aplikasi yang tidak kalah penting adalah perhitungan. Perhitungan bisnis, asuransi, ekonomi, dll dapat dilakukan dengan program perhitungan. Kemudian program yang sekarang ini menjadi hal yang paling dibutuhkan adalah web browsing. Web browsing membantu kita dalam mengakses informasi apapunda ri manapun. Kita juga dapat mendownload data apapun yang berasal dari manapun secara gratis. Web browser pada masa ini dapat juga disebut sebagai toko. Sekarang orang-orang tidak lagi membeli buku ke toko buku namun dengan mudah dapat mendownload atau membelinya dalam bentuk e-book.
Ada pun program aplikasi lainnya yaitu web authoring, pemrograman bahasa, pengembangan sistem dan masih banyak lagi program aplikasi lainnya.
Dan perangkat lunak selalu dirilis dari tahun ke tahun adalah karena banyak fitur yang dapat diperbaharui untuk membuat kualitas perangkat lunak lebih baik dan dengan sedikit bug.

Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

The Last Meeting of Ethnomathematics Course

Ethnomathematics As A Science And A Window Of The World For Education Innovators
by :

Nanda Putri Amalia [11313244012]
International Mathematics Education 2011

In this reflection, I will reflect on the knowledge that I acquired from the  material record that provided by Prof. Marsigit at the last lecture Ethnomatematics courses, Tuesday, May 8, 2013.
In the lecture process, there are many strategies that can be used to deliver the material. Prof. Marsigit always try to use the student center approach. Anywhere, anytime, on any course, such as English, Philosophy, Ethnomatematics, PGSD. But he always adapt to the circumstances. Student center in accordance with the theory of constructivism. But Prof. Marsigit develop CTL approach with the understanding of ontology that contains 2 components. The first is 'related' and the second is the 'preparation'. The meaning of 'related' is the human would be ready when they related each other. Humans can not think if he was isolated. Even he can not live when he was isolated. Humans certainly have to deal with another human being. Then in college it would be nice when using media that can be used to learn anytime and anywhere like using website. So, it will form a paradigm that learning is continuously.
Independence of the subject, both students and student, begins with the freedom to express the opinion. So, educators have to give a chance students to express a different opinion. Educators did not always have knowledge more than the learners. Someone who stay in the traditional culture context will be hard to think like that. An educator must learn how the education from various sides.
Talking about ethnomathematics, ethno is local cultural context. Observed the ethnomathematics from the language structure has not focused on education. Ethnomathematics is still a common thing. But mathematics is essentially grown from human civilization, so ethnomathematics contains the elements of history, society and mathematics. Ethnomathematics in the context of history has a meaning that is contemporary and ancient. It means that people in a particular period could be the foundation of mathematical development when seen from the side of formal mathematics. So that we can develop mathematics from the time of Mesopotamia, Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece to the Middle Ages and modern mathematics discoveries. Thus, ethnomathematics can be use to get the inspiration of mathematical development.
The question that ultimately appears is whether ethnomathematics is a science. Science criteria according to Immanuel Kant is science must be synthetic a priori. So, pure mathematics is not a science because it is analytic a priori that rely on consistency, not related to the experience. While, synthetic exist in the world of experience. So, ethnomathematics will be said as a science when thinking using scientific methodology, logic, critical thinking and experience. Ethnomathematics in certain circles closely connected with the experience.
Science always has a category, even humans also have a category from the intuition, where intuition comes from the experience. For example, a person will not have an intuition about a country if he never visited the country. So, ethnomathematics should have category to be referred as a science.
Now we looking for the relation between ethnomathematics and education. The nature of science is have an object. Then the object in ethnomathematics is all mathematical ideas that were in a community. But the phenomenon of anything in this world always has a dimension. Such as weak or strong. For the examples, Borobudur when observed has the ethnomathematics objects that very rich and has a strong information and strategic information. But no one has dug it because no researcher that have raised it. So, it still has a weak dimensions and can not be regarded as an object of ethnomathematics.
After learning the ethnomathematics objects, we observe the position of ethnomathematics, what are the benefits of studying ethnomathematics. What inspiration that can be taken to be applied in education. Then the position of ethnomathematics is provide varied learning resources, variety of activities, variety of experience, variety of contexts. It is emphasized that ethnomathematics is at the lowest level, still at the student level, not the abstract stage.
Mathematics learning problem that often arises is not caused by learners, but caused by parents, teachers, people who have policies and even the president. Because, they think that mathematics is abstract. Early, learners required to understand the meaning of the various definitions. The things that come from intuition. And it makes the students think that mathematics is a disaster.
Learners know the various definitions from intuition and intuition would be better if they have a lot of experience. So, that learners should be given a lot of activity or activities that have a lot of experience.
So, the position of ethnomathematics in the world of education is learning innovation. The attitudes and ideas of educators or educator positions from the curriculum side there are three. The first as a  practitioner, the second as a participant and the third as a developer. Ethnomathematics has an expectation the educators to be a developers. So, that educators can be a developer is to do research. Students must also position themselves as researchers. Because the research is very important.
So, ethnomathematics whose position as a source of innovative learning requires a teacher who is a researcher. Then, we as prospective educators must position ourselves as researchers, developed a database from an early age. So that in time we have become a great researcher. Research is not a scary thing, not an ordeal.
To become a researcher there are two stages, the first is experience and the second  is reading. It is expected that the website method can develop the thinking of learners. Students to be intelligent by reading a lot of information and data.
So, the conclusion from the reflections above, ethnomathematics is synthetic because it is linked with the history and experience. Then, obviously ethnomathematics have a priori nature. In the end, ethnomathematics become a windows of the world for the researchers, education innovators.
OK. I think thats all that can I reflect. I hope this reflection can be a benefit. Thank you.